As part of the reforms aimed at fast-tracking the attainment of development objectives enshrined in Government of Rwanda’s flagship policy documents, the Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC), with support from the Ministry of Infrastructure (MINIFRA) and with technical assistance from 2ML Consulting Limited (2ML), implemented a 90 days Performance Improvement Programme (PIP) aimed at generating quick-wins in corporate objectives, enhancing staff capacity and laying a strong foundation for long-term performance management; and the successful implementation of subsequent reform programs.
Features of WASAC’s PIP
Even though WASAC was less than one year old, and the company’s structures were still being established, 2ML was invited to facilitate the PIP, as a catalyst for accelerating the transformation of WASAC into a utility that meets its stakeholder aspirations and a strategy for creating a culture of excellence.
WASAC’s PIP was buttressed in Rwanda’s annual performance target setting culture of ‘Imihigo’; and was focused on four main priority areas of action including: ensuring financial sustainability; promoting cost optimization and innovation; improving customer care, and establishing a robust Monitoring and Evaluation framework. It introduced the concept of thinking beyond the Specific Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound (SMART) targets that are the Imihigo to setting ambitious targets that require exceptional efforts to achieve and inspire innovation (‘Stretch Targets).
Now, this point may not always be positive for the consumer. Easier payments sometimes mean frivolous spending, but it can also translate into a convenience that saves time (and, therefore, money). As consumers, we want our shopping experience to be quick, painless and safe.
- Monthly Revenue Collection increased by 105%
- Billing increased by 15%
- Cash operating margin increased by 386%
- Non-Revenue Water reduced by 8%
- Increased bench-marking amongst staff
- Improved staff motivation, innovation and creativity
- Increased staff interest and knowledge of the whole business value chain
- Improved monitoring and evaluation internally, and at Board and Ministry levels.
- Improved internal and external communication
- International recognition, requests for visits from other utilities on the continent and nominations.