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Home Performance Improvement Planning (PIP)

Performance Improvement Programmes (PIP)

We partner with our clients to inspire re-orientation of value systems towards customer centricity and performance, to address behavioral issues and institutionalize a commercial attitude. In partnership with our clients, we develop customized programs via unprejudiced and elaborate issue diagnosis, to ascertain the significant factors explaining
variations in Key Performance Indicators (KPls).


The PIP is then used as a tool for testing the effectiveness of systems employed to leverage and sustain improvements in performance, hence setting the foundation for strategic planning and performance management.

It is evident to us that no matter the country; whatever the sector; the key fulcrum of any reform, and at the heart of any success, are the people. The PIP framework maintains focus on a broad range of corporate planning and performance management challenges, factoring in stakeholder interests and the regulatory environment, to accentuate clarity of vision and purpose, in functions.


PIPs were used to initiate transformation in utilities in Nigerian States of Kaduna, Borno, Oyo, Ogun, Osun, Lagos etc, in Rwanda.

Clients in Nigeria include: Lagos Water Corporation (LWC), Kaduna State Water Corporation (KADSWAC), Oyo State Water Corporation (WCOS), Osun State Water Corporation (OSWC), Ogun State Water Corporation (OGSWC), Borno Ministry of Water and Environment

Clients in Rwanda: Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC) and Rwanda Energy Group (REG)