Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Support

In emphasizing performance improvement of business entities/utilities, customer satisfaction and reliable supply is paramount, GIS and Network Mapping operation efficiency through quick response to complaints; quick response to leaks and bursts along the network, and quick decision-making during the network planning that require accurate data and information. At 2ML Consulting Ltd; GIS and network mapping is very important as we collaborate with utilities in the turn-around exercise.
With an experienced team of over 10 years in Utility Operations, 2ML has and is supporting a number of utilities to map both customers and Pipe Network (Transmission and Distribution) using GIS, including network fixtures such as air valves, washouts, and control valves that are critical for network management.
The GIS and network mapping activity usually captures details of customers (such as location, size of connection, category of consumption, date of meter installation, type and size of the meter). as well as details of the Pipe Network (such as, size, length, material type, pressure rating of pipes and the fixtures) among others.
This has been done for clients in Water Corporation of Oyo State (WCOS), Osun State Water Corporation (OSWC), Ogun State Water Corporation (OGSWC) and Taraba State Water and Sewerage Corporation (TAWASCO).